Planning Committee Roster

Thank you to our 2018 Annual Meeting Planning Committee Members
Meeting Chair/President-Elect TWS-WS | Jeff Davis |
President – TWS-WS | Rocky Gutiérrez |
Professional Development Events & Pre-Conference Symposia | Jessica Martini-Lamb |
Program Director | Cynthia Perrine |
Meeting Planner | Candace Renger |
Audio Visual Captains | Don Yasuda, Chair Keelan Dann John McNerney Chad Moura Sam Sosa |
Banquet Awards Ceremony | Rich Burg, Chair R. J. Gutiérrez Cynthia Perrine |
Banquet Program | Jeff Davis |
Breakfast Roundtable | Lisa Fields, Chair Wendy Loeffler |
Career Fair Chair | Karen Swaim |
Concurrent Session Chairs Bat Mitigation, Dave Johnston Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences, Katie Smith Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles I, Jeff Alvarez Ecology and Conservation of Mammals I, Ben Becker Ecology and Conservation of Birds I, Colleen Wisinski Public Policy and Wildlife Management, Pamela Flick and Ben Solvesky Ecology and Conservation of Mammals II, Esther Burkett Ecology and Conservation of Birds II, Rick Williams Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles II, David Cook Ecology and Conservation of Mammals III, John Perrine Wildlife Techniques and Technologies, Natasha Dvorak Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology, Rhys Evans Ecology and Conservation of Mammals IV, Randi Logsdon Ecology and Conservation of Birds III, Linda Leeman Genetic Techniques in Wildlife Research and Management, Michael Buchalski Endangered Species Recovery, Rachel Mazur Urban Wildlife Management, John McNerney Wildlife and Climate Change, Chrissy Howell |
Exhibit Hall Chair | Callie Amoaku |
Job Interview Panel | David Wyatt, Chair Patricia Krueger Liisa Schmoele Alex Lewis |
Keynote Speech Coordinator | Cynthia Perrine |
Local Arrangements Chair | Jessica Martini-Lamb |
Onsite Registration | Cari Shaw |
Photo Collection Submissions and Slideshow | Eveline Larrucea |
Photographer | Janine Payne |
Plenary Session | Jeff Davis |
Poster Session Co-Chairs | Carlos Alvarado Allison Fuller |
Printed Program Compililation | Natasha Dvorak |
Printed Program Editing | Debra Hawk John Perrine Rick Williams |
Raffle and Silent Auction | Sandra Hunt-von Arb, Chair Randi McCormick |
Restoration Field Day | Candace Messner |
Resume Workshops | Kristina Hunt |
Resume Critiques | Kristina Hunt Alex Lewis Liisa Schmoele |
Student Affairs and Diversity Committee Events | Katie Smith, Chair Aviva Rossi |
Student Career Symposium | Liisa Schmoele, Chair Colleen Wisinski Jordan Lara Alex Lewis |
Student Graduate Project Interest Elevator Speech Prep | Katie Smith, Chair Alex Lewis |
Student Judging Coordinators | Karen Converse Brian Barton |
Student Poster Session for Emerging Researchers | Cynthia Perrine, Chair Kelley Stewart John Perrine Liisa Schmoele Dan Barton |
Student-Professional Mixer Breakfast | Colleen Wisinski, Chair Liisa Schmoele Jordan Lara |
Volunteer Coordination | Ryan Baumbusch, Chair Patrick Tweedy |